Friday 7 October 2011

Third 'Explore Creativity' lesson- Big Scale paperfolding

The third lesson was meant for the students to experiment on how small scaled paper folding that might look not that successful, can become very interesting and stunning when being bigger. So the idea was picking one shape of our preference from last weeks session, and copying it to a big paper. After that we would have to cut it and create a 3D sculpture. I tried the last shape from my last collection 3 times until I get the right size and here are some pictures.
Page from my sketchbook(1st try)

2nd try

result of my second try

Finally i got 2 pieces together and stuck them on the wall so that  I  could get a bigger  shape

This is the result of the 3d try

side view
After that ,we had to spread in teams of two people and connect our 3D sculptures together and see which new shapes come out of that process.
Stellinas, Ivankas and my shapes combined together

From the back side
The final stage of this learning process was for us to rumple our 3D shape and find out which new shapes come out of this.
the shape of my sculpture on the table

On the mannequin
Page from my sketchbook
The learning outcomes of this lesson were many, as it teached me how the size sometimes makes objects look different and that i should not give up before trying other options.

Related to the subject ( NOT made by me)

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