Sunday 6 November 2011

Seventh 'Explore Creativity' lesson- Dressing Chairs Up!

In this week's session, the activity was to split up in groups of two people and dress up a chair of our choice with the jackets we used last week. The purpose of this activity was learning new techniques and experiment on different original new shapes. After fitting the jackets on the chairs, we had to carefully take the of and try how they could be able to stand on the mannequin and if they could whether work nicely or not.

chair with jackets
 Here are the first two examples who worked quite well and they formed a nice result that looks simple but elegant.
first dress


second dress

lower details
page from my sketchbook
The next shape which was formed out of the same pattern as the two previous ones, was more of a balloon dress and was split in two colours- parts, grey and black and looked like this.
third dress



left side

page from my sketchbook

The dress that came after, was a more abstract version of the ones before. It resulted out of the combination of the four parts of the jackets,the two linings and the two outer pieces, put together in random shapes.
fourth dress

looking deeper

fifth dress

page from my sketcbook
Another dress we created, had more details and the lower part looked like a formal office skirt.
sixth dress

upper details

lower details

page from my sketchbook

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